
Old-Fashioned Customer Support

Published: July 3, 2023
Catetgories: Case Studies, Creative News

A SiteVivid design and hosting client originally hired a boutique I.T. company to design, host, and maintain his website and provide content updates. Wanting to actively engage his website as a means for business growth, the client requested regular content update.

The Other Guys

The I.T. company became painfully unresponsive. Often, they would not reply to requests or make the updates for 3 or 4 weeks.

Unfortunately, many hosting companies see support as a drag on their bottom line. This causes them to marginalize client support requests.

SiteVivid Hosting Support

Customer Support

At SiteVivid, customer support and content maintenance is the heart and soul of our hosting services:

  • Fast responses to support or update requests.
  • Veteran I.T. and creative technicians.
Do You Have Questions?
We're happy to answer any questions you may have about design, hosting, WordPress, or marketing.